Current Agreements

Current Agreements:

One Stop Operator
An evaluation team of local workforce board members & County of Kankakee representative board was charged with reviewing all response to the One Stop Operator Request for Proposal (RFP).  No board member who had any interest or intent to apply or act as the One Stop Operator were permitted to be part of any of the procurement process. 

The One Stop Operator RFP was posted on March 8, 2022 with all responses due by April 21, 2022. 

The Workforce Board received one response for our One Stop Operator Request for Proposal from Kankakee Community College.  Kankakee Community College was awarded the One Stop Operator Contract in the amount of $15,000 beginning July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023 with an option to renew for an additional three (3) years.  The option to renew will be at the complete discretion of the Grundy Livingston Kankakee Workforce Board and the chief elected officials based upon satisfactory performance.    


Youth Program Contracts 
The Workforce Board released a Request for Proposal (RFP) to provide WIOA youth services in the Grundy, Livingston, & Kankakee Counties.  An evaluation team made up of local workforce boards and a County of Kankakee representative reviewed the proposals.  No board member who had any interest or intent to apply was permitted to be part of any of the procurement process.


The WIOA Youth services RFP was posted on September 15, 2019 with all responses due by January 15, 2020. 

The Workforce Board Received three (3) proposals.

  • Kankakee Community College
  • Joliet Junior College
  • SER Central States: Jobs for Progress, Inc. 

All proposals scope of work was to provide WIOA youth services to individuals in LWA #11.


The Workforce Board awarded the below youth contracts.

Kankakee Community College

Program: Provide WIOA youth services to individuals in Kankakee & Livingston Counties

PY20 Contract Amount: $419,754

PY21 Contract Amount: $$382,225

PY22 Contract Amount: $291,670

PY23 Contract Amount: $310,253

PY24 Contract Amount: $388,745

Term: 7/1/20 - 6/30/22.  The Workforce Board renewed the youth contract till 6/30/23.  The Workforce Board may renew the yearly contract for a one year contingent upon successful performance and funding.  The option to extend will be at the complete discretion of the Grundy Livingston Kankakee Workforce Board and the chief elected officials.


Joliet Junior College

Program: Provide WIOA youth services to individuals in Grundy County

PY20 Contract Amount: $199,147

PY21 Contract Amount: $186,728

PY22 Contract Amount: $143,658

PY23 Contract Amount: $152,812

PY24 Contract Amount: $191,472

Term: 7/1/20 - 6/30/22.  The Workforce Board renewed the youth contract till 6/30/25.  The Workforce Board may renew the yearly contract for a one year contingent upon successful performance and funding. The option to extend will be at the complete discretion of the Grundy Livingston Kankakee Workforce Board and the chief elected officials.